An Anonymous Comment
Councillor Buck, When a developer wanted to build directly behind our rural property in King, we went to the town for help. The developer make adjustments to his plans to include buffering and plantings to help offset the change to our view and landscape. Although it wasn't the best scenario for us,we were satisfied that this was as much that could be done both legally and with goodwill. Sometimes a little goodwill and good sense goes a long way in remedying situations, rather than waving placards and having people take sides. Calling people stupid doesn't help either.
A homeowner abutting the golf course came home one day and found some trees on her property were marked Numbers of trees were being cut down on the golf course.
As a matter of interest, a substantial forest had to be cut down to provide sites for the homes.
An e-mail came through and the homeowner was advised to come to Council. After a sympathetic hearing staff were directed to report on the tree cutting by-law
We learned golf courses are not covered by the town's bylaw. The Region has jurisdiction.
The difference is in the size of property.
Staff were directed to revise the tree-cutting bylaw. A review had been directed previously.
Staff did and the bylaw was made more restrictive than before.
The homeowner was pleased with the attention Council gave to the problemand the improvement from her perspective.
Then Susan Walmer appeared and scooped up the issue. At a public forum , council was informed a town hall meeting had been scheduled and a request was received to direct the Parks Manager to attend the meeting to answer questions.
Councillor Ballard had booked the Council Chamber for the meeting.
The Parks manager was not directed to attend the meeting.
Council scheduled the proposed tree by-law to be heard at a public planning meeting.
Susan Walmer rallied all known tree experts and tree lovers to the meeting. Those who couldn't attend sent e-mails.
The bylaw was not adequate, they said. The town must be steward of the environment. they said. Ms.Walmer declared the by-law should be submitted to the environmental advisory committee for them to advise. Because they are volunteers, they must be given their due and their opinions respected.
Members of a Green-keepers Association were present. They informed us of the nature of golf courses and what it takes to operate the industry. The golf course is recognised by the Audubon
Society as a wild life sanctuary.
Members of the Cemetery Board were also present and asked to be exempted from the bylaw because of time-consuming and restrictive aspects which would make it impossible to practise due diligence in their function.
The original homeowner had been pleased with the town's response to concerns.
Then it seemed Walmer's Warriors had gained another recruit and the bylaw was deemed not to go far enough.
I doubt very much the political machinations were understood. But there it was. The revised bylaw was not stringent enough to satisfy
those assembled to take that position.
A resolution,. moved by Councillor Gallo, passed by Council was to refer the Bylaw to the Environmental Advisory Committee.
the revised bylaw was prepared by a staff committee . Normal process is for comments to be noted, considered at a meeting of the committee and a new report submitted to Council.
Councillor Gallo is chairman of the Environmental Advisory Committee and had already declared his support for the comments made at the meeting..
I acknowledge I generally have a negative reaction after listening to and hour and a half of suggestions that everyone connected with the town is less than qualified to make decisions. While those in the audience are supremely qualified.
Really, it doesn't much matter what this Council might do to satisfy a concern, when Susan Walmer is about,it will never be enough..
That is not the objective.
There was question I did not ask at the meeting; is the tree-cutting bylaw subject to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board.
It is..
It's a time-consuming and extravagant process.
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