Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Flotsam And Jetsam Circa 2012":
Fascinating. Like reading Coleridge before his editors cleaned his work up.
I knew Coleridge was a poet. I figured since I was familiar with his name, chances are he was a successful poet. The comment therefore is a compliment. To discover how much of a compliment I had to find out something about the man and his poetry.
I had to find out his style to determine why the Flotsam and Jetsam post was a reminder.
Yes I'm vain. Isn't everyone?
Google makes it simple. First title told me why I was familiar with Samuel Coleridge. Ancient Mariner was a poem I learned in school. I don't remember much about it or what I learned from it. Just that it was a long story told in rhythm and rhyme.
Maybe I learned more than I realized.
I hear music in language.
When I edit, I re-arrange words for sound.
I've never thought of that as poetry. I've wished I knew how to write poetry. Wondered, since I need to write, why have I no inclination for fantasy, I can only write about what I know.
Even then I'm only trying to be clear. Another comment last week was that I sometimes tie readers up in knots. Does that mean my meaning isn't clear or is it that I create tension.
Well, enough of this lolly-gagging. I have to figure out how to copy and paste the editorial from May 17th Aurora Banner.
It's a test .
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