Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tim The Enchanter Says Again

Tim the Enchanter has left a new comment on your post "Tim the Enchanter has left a new comment on your p...":

"Councillor Collins Mrakas and myself did not attend. The meeting , in our judgment .contravened the Municipal Act which spells out those matters that warrant being dealt with behind closed doors."

I see your point about public disclosure of in-camera meetings EB but as you say - the meeting may have contravened the Municipal Act and my point was that if you and ACM had attended at least we would have two more shall we say - "reliable" sources as to exactly what happened in the event that a higher authority decided to investigate the situation.


There is nothing in the Municipal Act that  allows  an elected official  to go behind closed doors and  twist  and shout about  mean and nasty things being said  and slyly and  furtively approve the  use of town  funds  for purposes of revenge.

With all the checks and balances of the Municipal Act,, how could all the means  necessary combine to allow it to happen?

I did not have great expectations of the six who agreed to the measure. But never in my wildest dreams did I imagine any one would lend themselves to such a scheme let alone six of them. .

As I write it  I realise, of all people, I  was the one who should not  have counted  any virulent and incomprehensible act beyond them..

But we were in the middle of an election., for God's Sake.

 Each was a candidate.

 How could they think that  whatever the town solicitor might do against  three families  in the town would bode well for their chances..

They did it.  Two of them were re-elected. Two more came close.

There has been no  public accountability  for  funds released  to create  hardship and damage  to three families  having legal action taken against them, .paid for with their own taxes, by those  elected to serve them.

What kind of perverse understanding   is that of the concept of public service.?

How  could a position of trust be used for such a purpose?

  How can   it be allowed to pass?

Unchallenged,  it  most assuredly  will be  repeated.

We only have to look a few miles to the north  to know that to be true.

*All  it takes for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing"


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