Several comments refer to re-call legislation . I know nothing about that. I doubt it.
Last time I read about petitions demanding removal from office related to an M.P. from Markham named Djag Bhaduria. He was expelled from the Liberal Party and forced to sit outside the government benches.
He went on a trip to the Middle East on a trade mission anyway.
He did not receive the party nomination in the next election but it didn't stop him from trying. He was photographed with supporters around him .
The heat was on the government for months to dump him . To no avail. He completed the term.
The right of the people to choose is paramount.
When I was first elected, it was the first two year term of office at municipal level. Since then, it was increased to three and the last three terms have been four years.
The increase to four years was to serve Toronto
It's the same as the Provincial term. The difference is senior governments can call an election any time they decide.
If we make a bad decision, we are stuck with it for four years.
All the more reason to pay attention, my dear .
Whatever else might be said, this term is light years better than the last. It is not to be compared.
BTW conventional wisdom has always been, if a Councillor, for whatever reason , experiences political misfortune, no other politician of intuition and discretion, would ever take it upon themselves to act as judge and jury or even offer an opinion.
The choice must always rest with the electorate. The whole electorate.
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