Town policies are being updated and re-classified. Its a humungous task..Scores of policies exist. Councillors need to approve needed changes; like scrapping obsolete or duplicate policies, re-writing of badly written policies, clarifying obscure policies and generally speaking, tidying up the mess.
Some policies predate changes in the administration. Some pre-date Methusaleh
In the ordinary way, Councillors might never become aware of town policies unless advised of their existence by staff.
Policies are not bylaws. They are a guide to consistency. They are not laws that must be observed. They can be interpreted. Buried. Misconstrued. Read differently than intended by the writer.Written badly by the writer.
On one nefarious occasion, policy was deliberately misconstrued by a solicitor retained by the former Mayor, for such a perverse purpose as to have had devastating and degrading impact against three staff members, one in particular being the target. All done furtively behind closed doors in a bizarre scenario similar ro the movie "Coma" In the name of confidentiality and privacy of the individual.
It was accomplished without significant opposition because of lack of awareness of individual Council members.
I do not urge policies should not be changed or updated.
I do not claim no need for change.
I do not contend blankety-blank policies should clutter the books.
forever and a day.
I do maintain ,after decades of use, mis-use , neglect and selective attention, Councillors should at least understand their own authority before surrendering it to the administration.
It is no less the serious responsibility of a Councillor than any other.
To that end, at the last meeting, Councillors were persuaded to deal with the task in an educational workshop session. Provincial law gives us that right.
We can convene behind closed doors, converse in a free-wheeling manner, in the language of the streets or whatever is comfortable, on an equal basis, mano el mano. on n equal basis with staff without being encumbered by protocol required in public between elected and appointed officials.
At last night's general committee meeting, policy discussions referred at the previous meeting to a future educational workshop were back on the general committee agenda..
The question of Council's authority to direct was now added to the debate.
Council's authority had to be re-establsihed. Again the nature of an educational workshop was discussed.
A vote to forfeit the opportunity to educate ourselves in the matter of policies and Council authority versus staff responsibility carried.
Everything must be done in public was the clarion cry. Open and transparent like the last lot.
Councillor Abel made the astounding declaration:
." We must invite the public in" he said. " they probably won't come" he said.
The assumption appeared to be non-attendance by the public would serve the same purpose as an educational workshop.
So there will be a separate discussion..It will be public.
Hobbled by formality and protocol, Councillors will be exceedingly careful which thought to express and which to keep to themselves, for fear of appearing to be less than knowledgeable, which they are, understandably so.
The transfer of your authority from Council to staff will proceed unimpeded.
Before your very eyes. .
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