Four political posts went to the personal blog . Yahoo has put up a new window with different prompts . I would change it if I could.
I don't know how it got there. I don't know how or if I can get rid of it. So I am learning to deal with it the hard way by making mistakes.
So bear with me. It can only get better.
New Post:
Blog Is Not The Only Place in Disarray
The rule in government requiring notice of motion is there for a reason;
Councillors must have time to research for themselves a question and be prepared and properly informed to debate the issue when the question is tabled.
On Tuesday, the question, due notice having been given ,was tabled to have parks vehicles in the colour green.
Since the parks department was created, vehicles have always been green.
Until this administration decided all vehicles should be the same and the colour should be white.
Council's opinion was not sought.
The motion noted , if vehicles needed to be the same colour ,the colour should be green.It also spelled out the change should take place gradually, as new vehicles are purchased.
There had already been some informal discussion already. It had been stated. it costs extra for vehicles to be green.
I had been reliably informed, it does not.
On Tuesday, the motion was deferred.
Director of Environment and Infrastructure was asked by Councillor Thompson, if there is an extra cost. He answered,yes.
Councillor Thompson launched into argument,Council must be concerned how we spend town resources.He would not support the motion.
Councillor Ballard was outraged by the suggestion extra be spent . He shouted the figure would probably be $1,000. a vehicle.
No Councillor was averse to parks vehicles being green.
So, on the one hand we had the proponent of the motion, prepared for the debate, informing Council there is no extra cost.
On the other, we had a director informing Council ,there is a cost.although he offered no specifics.
I contributed, there are only three colours that require extra cost; red, yellow and orange.
So the motion, already on notice for two weeks, was deferred for another two, to obtain correct information.
It boils down to the question, who is telling the truth?
Who is providing correct information?
The person recommending the change and prepared to meet all arguments? Or the staff person?
I called three dealers on Wednesday, To confirm once again, what I already know to be true.
There is no extra cost for the dark commercial green traditionally used by the parks department, never at any time known to cost extra.
It would appear, to prove I am not lying, I must obtain in writing, from three dealers, who regularly supply vehicles to municipalities, confirmation, there is no extra charge for dark green vehicles.
It's an odd circumstance.
I have a hard time believing it is happening.
I most certainly do not believe it should.
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