Four more comments wait to be moderated. I kept them overnight for a decision. Figuratively speaking, they are beating the jam lady about the head and shoulders for the foolish Code of Conduct.
I held back for two reasons: There's been enough already maybe too much, although my conscience is not stricken. People do have to take responsibility for their actions.
The second reason is that Code wasn't written by and distributed by one person. Others are responsible.
Not least are the vendors who are not sufficiently interested in who speaks for them to turn out for an election.
I understand that. . A small group of people come together for five hours on a Saturday morning for a period of six months to sell product.They don't feel an urgent need for organised association.
Does that sound familiar.?
If a town that spend sixty-nine million dollars of other people's money, gets forty-nine per cent of the list out to vote , after six weeks of twenty plus candidates, collectively spending thousands of dollars and endless hours door-knocking and sign posting to solicit votes,a lack of interest in a market of thirty vendors should surprise no-one.
So we know there is little interest in an executive outside of those who like to be in charge of other people.
We also know a town Bylaw governs the Market.
Two applications need to be made by each vendor.
One has "insubordination" as a reason to be turfed from the Market.
It's not the town's document.
We know talks have been between town and market to establish a single application.
Despite talk,no request has been received to amend the Bylaw to reduce application from two to one.
So, impetus to change the Bylaw must come elsewhere .
Since it is the Aurora Farmers Market.
Since the community and the town consider the Market an asset. Since it is clearly broken .
Council should fix it.
Nip trouble in the bud
Restore equilibrium.
Bring harmony back to the market.
Make all things right.
It's not like the emerald.ash borer.
A remedy is within our means.
Require one application: provide oversight to the market: use permit revenue to cover whatever costs may be incurred
Let market vendors do what they do best.
Have the town assume obvious responsibility..
Five hours on a Saturday morning, six months of the year,should not be beyond our ability to manage.
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