Monday, May 14, 2012

Follow The Leader

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Week End Gossip":

Yeah, the Town Hall was on Red Alert on Friday that you were on the warpath about the bell pull. Weren't your enquiries answered? You know, that the proper procedures were followed through the correct channels, and that the Town's permission had been granted.

Not every little decision goes through Council, or else nothing would get done.

Moderate comments for this blog.


This is interesting.

What would constitute a Red Alert at the Aurora Town Hall  I wonder ?

Let's follow the trail.

I received a  message from someone who reads Councillor Ballard's Blog and knows I do not.

Word about the school bell being refurbished and paid for with donated funds by  the Culture Centre Board is on  Councillor Ballard's  Blog.

 Also, that the  bell   was ring for the first time in many years by Lieutenant Governor David Onley,  at an event with an admission tag of $250. for a  Queen's York Rangers fund- raiser.

My caller wished to know what re-furbishing  the  bell, part of the school structure, had to do with a purchase of culture agreement  and  lease agreement with the town ?

How would funds received from the Town differ from funds received from any other source?

Why would  the CCB  have authority to undertake the project? 

I had no answers .. 

I e-mailed the query to  Chief Administrator Officer .

He had no answers. But committed to obtain them.

Subsequently, I received a copy of  an e-mail from  Manager of Building the CAO. He was aware of the project
and the fact the board had no authority to do anything with the building except by authority from the town.

The e-mail did not state if said authority was  requested or granted or by whom.

The answers to these questions are still outstanding. 

Now you know all that I know. 

What we don't know  together is how these circumstances would constitute a Red Alert.

Who  announced the Red Alert?

Who gave authority, on behalf of the town. for the Board to undertake a  structure- related  project?

How  are donated funds  distinguished  from donated funds?

Does responsibility for the building rest with the owners of the building? Who  are the owners of the building?

Is the Manager of Building Maintenance  owner of the building? 

Who is the Gremlin in the woodpile ?

Where's Waldo?

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