I brought up the Farmer's Market Code of Conduct under new business of the agenda on Tuesday.
Since town property is used and vendor permits are issued by the town , it occurred to wonder if the town could be in any way responsible for that ridiculous document.
The situation is as follows; there's a Farmers Market Bylaw. Under the terms, a letter from the Farmer's Market Executive is required for a vendor to receive a permit.
I have been reminded Councillor Humphryes is Council's liason with the Market and along with Councillor Abel ,the two attended a meeting of the executive when the Code of Conduct was discussed.
I'm not sure what all that means if anything.
But I am not comfortable.
Former Councillor Nigel Kean was personally responsible for the Market's creation. He committed himself entirely to its success. He was there every Saturday at six in the morning. Before even the vendors,to make it a reality.
Town support was also essential. Small resources were committed one way or another.Justification was to bring people into the downtown area.The Market was in the Temperance St parking lot.
In 2007, it was moved to Wells Street. The Town Park. The
band shell is in the town park.
Theory was the Market could grow in the new location. The park was not up for grabs. But the market grew. into the park anyway/
Special events were organised around the Market. More town resources were committed under control of the former Mayor.
The band shell was used . No user fee paid or waived.
Councillor Granger was Council's liason. A constitution was written. I re-call it presented or announced to Council. The reason escapes me.
The St Kitts woman was involved. A jazz festival evolved. Fees are not paid to use the park.
A complaint was received from St Kitts,with photos,about a market vendor in the park and a van parked alongside.It was shifted.
The park was fenced off. Vendors .purveyors of food and beer took up space inside the fence during the jazz festival. Permits were not issued by the town.
I have concluded the Farmers Market has been used by others for purposes other than having to do with a Farmers Market.
It may be time for another journey of discovery.
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