Sunday, May 20, 2012

Occupy Aurora Town Park

Serious thought should be given in the community, particularly the neighbourhood, to refuse to allow the town park to be fenced off  during the August long weekend.
There can be no justification for  a chain link security fence to be erected to keep people out. How offensive is that?
No fee has been paid to lease the park. No fee can be paid.

Mosely has been the Town Park for more than a century. Who  has the right to decide the public should be denied access on any day of the year, let alone a long, lazy, hopefully hot, summer week-end?
Authority to ban public access to a park does not belong to Council or the administration ..
No person or organization, other than the town, has authority to rent  space in a park to vendors.  
The idea is nonsensical and  totally repugnant.
You have a Council who should speak for you. I have. So far, my objections have  fallen on deaf ears. 
Residents  have to come to Council, use the public forum, that's what it's for, and say.;
We do not want a fence  keeping  us out  of our park.
The band shell can be rented.
We didn't build it so some outfit could  use it for  commercial concert promotion.
 If the town won't listen , people should just go out on  Friday of the August bank holiday  and push that pesky fence aside. 
You don't have to wear hoodies and masks to hide your identity You don't have to pitch tents to establish ownership.
Sleep in your own beds and come out in the morning and push that pesky fence aside.
It could be a special  event like tossing the caber or putting the shot. Like a mini-Highland Games. 
We could call it "Push Back the Fence Event"
Strike a blow for freedom. Invite the media . 
It could be promoted  all over North America like the "Right to Dry".  Maybe we could get a picture or aheadline in the New York Times.
Think of it." The  Right To Play In Our Own  Park" event.
How original?  How innovative? Why didn't we think of it before?
How slow are we?
Other people  take over a town park, put a fence around it to charge admission for  a week-end  concert promotion. They get fees waived for the asking. Town sponsorships.for "economic development".  Trillium grants  for promotion of"Culture",  Heritage Canada grants, for who knows what  reason, and sponsorships from families and businesses and  then at the end of the event, skip and frolic. laughing, all the way to the bank
All the while. we  never  thought of defending our ownership and right of access  to the very park they utilized to pull in the scheckles.

We witnessed an ugly five foot high chain link fence erected  and  manned with security agents to ensure no entry without payment of a fee and we never uttered a whimper.

What's the matter with us?   Eh? 

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