Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Job Of A Councillor?":
12:33 PM
I have to disagree with your blanket assessment. Could we agree on 'some' staff & 'some' councillors? The rest of your comment is valid.
If we re-phrase it to say; Not all of the Council and not all of the staff , not all of the time or at the same time , we might have it about right and on a par with the rest of this community and ithers like us.
I don't agree we are less honorable here than elsewhere. What we have is free and open exchange . Sometimes angry, sometime funny and sometimes plain outrageous.Hyperbole is not an offense.
We are more aware of our human foibles because we talk about them.We are anonymous and the freedom is new and heady.
Perhaps our language goes a bit far as a consequence.When it all comes together at the same time the cacaphony can be deafening. .
I think I should do a better job of toning down the volume.
The Jam Lady took more than her share of criticism for the Code of Conduct nonsense. Much as the lady may think of herself as a mover and shaker, she is not a politician. Obviously. She is just one of us caught up in what can be a rough game without a sense of the rules.
Actually there aren't any rules in this new freedom.
That's always when self- discipline must come into play.
Mr Cuthbert plunged in head first and discovered too late, the lake bottom has hidden hazards.
He probably won't participate again and that's not what we want.
Being the one to decide in this blog, I think I have to exercise the judgement. I receive the volume and must make the assessment.
If your comment doesn't get published it will be for one of the following reasons:
A reader took a swing at me and I am not providing the venue..
The deluge of criticism being thrown at the head of a single unwitting individual is beyond reasonable.
Politicians are legitimate targets.
Non -politicians , not so much.
It may not be easy.
I will have to find my way.
I may stumble now and then.
We have to keep the best of it while preventing the blog from falling into disrepute and becoming a blunt instrument.
We should work on it together.
Feel free to join me.
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