Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Never Fear...The Gang's All Here

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What Price Privacy":

Ii feel badly for the Jam Lady as I feel she is being manipulated and used by the gang from the past.

The gang from the past is very much intact and making their presence felt in a dozen different ways. The Jam Lady is no shrinking violet.

The Environmental  Advisory Committee is teetering. Meetings last  twenty minutes. Hardly worth reserving an evening.

Susan Walmer at the last public planning meeting,  urged  Council to refer the Draft  Tree Cutting Bylaw to the committee. for their review  and advice.

It  was after Council had spent upwards of two and a half hours hearing what everyone who chose to attend the meeting had to say  and engaged in debate  ourselves.

Like the Environmental Advisory Committee would  be better qualified to deal with the  tree bylaw  than the body elected to make  decisions. That woman has some nerve.

There is real irony here.

First,  the  first Committee recommended the town hire an environmental engineer. The town did. Added $100,000 to the annual budget for the purpose. 

Asked what might be accomplished;   answer .... "identify environmental initiatives" 

Every year at budget time,I would ask what environmental initiatives had been identified. The question  would be greeted with a look to indicate I might,unbeknownst  to myself, have horns growing out of my head. 

Last year , the last  Environmental Committee  presented  a Master Environmental Plan  which was adopted by Council  

Now we have  plan and an engineer  which  leaves no  further need for intervention from an  advisory committee.

Now the committee is feeling unwanted and unappreciated. . 

It is understandable. 

On their advice , we have totally bureaucratized the  town's environment. 

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