The question is asked on the Citizen Blog. It's a good one. Not everyone understands .
A Councillor is elected. Not appointed; retained, hired , contracted or commissioned nor wedged into office.
A Councillor is chosen by a sufficient number of voters, to represent them in the process of town business.
A Councillor is not subject to the authority of any other person.
A Councillor may not take his/her seat at the table, without first swearing an Oath of Office. Breach of the Oath is an offence
under the criminal Law of Canada.
A Councillor is subject to Provincial law as stated by various Acts.
Conduct of a Councillor,during a Council meeting is governed by the Procedure Bylaw, specifically the section that contains Rules of Order for debate.
The Municipal Act requires a Council seat not occupied for a period of three months is automatically vacant.
Otherwise, A Councillor cannot be fired, suspended ,terminated,
placed on leave with pay or leave without pay or edged out for any reason whatsoever..
The will of the people established through proper election cannot be upended.
Councillor Gaertner has been successfully elected three times consecutively.
She is not only entitled, she is obligated to exercise her own judgement.
She is entitled to the respect due to her office. She is the people's representative as much as any other member at the table.
I refused to attend a memorable in- camera meeting at which a fateful decision was made in the last term.
(It was not the only closed door meeting I refused to attend)
A Critical comment had been directed against the Mayor on another blog. It was referred to an in-camera meeting.
I took the position, it was not town business; no issue for council deliberation.
Councillor Gaertner believed differently and attended. As did six other members.
In a Federal or Provincial government, where political parties prevail, a member who brings disrepute to the party can be expelled from the party and forced to sit as an independent.
He/she cannot be unseated.
Throughout a term of office, a Member of Parliament, Member of Provincial Parliament, also know as Member of the Legislative Assembly, cannot be deprived of the title, remuneration or any other perks the office entitles them.
It's the system whereby we govern ourselves. We are free to choose those whom we wish to represent us. Once the decision is made, for better or for worse, in sickness or in health, no person may intervene.
Hope that helps.
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