Friday, May 11, 2012

A Little Flurry

To the best of my recollection, don't hold me to it. the sum raised was  not even a hundred dollars. It doesn't belong to the town.

There is no  string of bullies. It's a witches coven.

When I asked in Council  about the Market  Code of Conduct, I had no recollection of  Councillor Humphryes being  Council's liason with the Market. Probably becauseIdon't know what that  means. .

We are going to have to review the  Market Bylaw. I'm pretty sure it's intent is not to give a  person or group any  kind of power over the vendors.

The connection between the Market,  the Culture Centre. board  the  Friend of the Petch House., and Oh. yes.  Oak Ridges  Moraine Trust  or Foundations whichever one of the  two or both. and the not- for- profit  Jazz Festival. people.... the same people or relatives popping upin all the same places.

The jam lady intends  to  make the Farmers Market a cultural affair this year. There will be a connection to the Culture Centre.

 The Culure Centre regards the Jazz Festival a Cultural event worthy of support.

A husband of the last person appointed/elected to the Culture Centre Board is connected to the Oak Ridges Moraine thingamajig.

 The idea to accommodate the Farmers Market in the Church Street School in the winter was because of a connection  on  the board. .

It's a fiefdom ....presided over by a bunch of buccaneers ....without t a peg-leg or a  hook  between  them.

The common  theme  between  them  is exploitation of  Town  of Aurora. assets.

 Everything they can get their hands on and then  some.How can the politics be maximized.? First imperative. hang on tight to the Church Street School.  Second imperative...muzzle the market  vendors. .

When we took back the town hall, ...other assets  were outstanding. '''still to be recovered. .

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