Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Plan Is Sound .... in 2013":
I'm not sure how much things have changed but you used to be able to get seedlings for pennies if you were willing to drive and pick them up There was something you signed to say that they were for your own use and wouldn't be sold. You could get a heck of a lot of seedling trees into town trucks. In a way, they have already been paid for by taxpayers to reach that stage.
Town staff have known about this impending problem for months if not years.The Region put out traps in Aurora and a bug was caught.
There are signs of dead trees in wooded areas. That they are Ash is not always plain nor that they are infested. There are always dead and dying trees in wooded area.
There's no calamity waiting to hit us over night. The town has dealt with Dutch Elm disease Not all elms died. But the bug never leaves so we don't plant elm trees.
The point is, the ash tree die-off will take its own course. Detailed plans about what's to be done are neither practical nor feasible. We just have to be prepared to respond to particular situations.
Planting a nursery of trees that take ten years to mature may not be the whole answer.
Politicians making a crisis out of nothing and trying to look like whiz kids, with extravagant claims of saving a million dollars if we do this instead of that, is just tiresome.
We have suffered nothing but regret from the loss of elm trees. We won't suffer much more by the loss of ash trees. It will undoubtedly create work and expense but nothing that can't be handled. We will not be alone.
We had a huge hullabullo about it on Tuesday night. In the end eight people voted in favour of Option 6. One voted against it.
The final committed expenditure was $10,000 out of the Council contingency fund. I'm waiting to see the calculation of how a million dollars will be saved.
How silly was that?
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