Saturday, May 26, 2012

Don't Aski...Don't TEll

Please explain for me. If all the reasons to remove the fencing are valid, why did it get erected the first time? It must cost a lot. on
The first year the Jazz Festival was held, the St Kitts woman pretty well  had the keys of the kingdom and ownership of the park. 
Staff under her direction were ordered to rent port-a-potties for the children in the water park.While  she had ownership of the public washrooms in the park.
Delegation to Council noted  photos of a market vendor with a vehicle in the park, contrary to the Market Bylaw. The vendor was invading space claimed by the  Festival organizer. The vendor was ordered out. 
Market clients, enjoying a breakfast sandwich, in a space set aside for them on the ball diamond, were ordered out by the  Festival organizer. 
The fence eventually  prohibited access to the  washrooms ,despite advice from the town's legal department beforehand, washrooms had to remain accessible.
Standby staff had to be called out to  move the fence to provide access to the washrooms. 
Not only were  user fees of $975. for the band shell waived., a sponsorship of $2,500  provided by the town's  manager of  economic development, in support of economic development.
I know of no permit granted for erection of a fence or  to permit vendors inside the fence to the financial benefit of the festival organizers.  I queried  and obtained no answers.
They were different times. 
No reasons needed to be given  for decisions made. 

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