Friday, May 25, 2012

Explain Yourself Councillor

I made reference recently to a "regional attitude"
The Mayor demanded to know what I meant.
I was happy to oblige. 
It's the attitude of people who do not have to explain. Do not have to account. Have no direct connection to the people who pay the bills. 
Today I have the perfect example. New trees are being planted on Bathurst Street to replace dead trees removed last year.
Recently a statement was made that the Region had spent $20.million on tree planting . 75% of the trees died. It represented $15 million wastage.
Trees on the east side of Bathurst, immediately north of Henderson Drive were  probably planted seven years ago. All the paraphernalia surrounded them;, plastic shields.... supports and wires... and mounded soil and mulch.
Not a leaf ever appeared on those suckers. There they stood. Dead as door nails for seven years. Sure enough seventy-five per cent of them had died.
They stayed there  in their blighted state for seven years. 
Last year, the evidence of failure was finally removed. 
Currently  the sad relics  are being replaced. Saplings, with the bright fresh green  leaves of Spring on their branches are being planted. 
In the same holes in  which the  previous trees died.It will obviously save the contractors, time and money. If there is no warranty , as likely inthe last planting, why should they care.
If that happened in the Town of Aurora, more than a few people would be seeking a sensible explanation from Councillors and staff.
I doubt the Region  has  fielded a single phone call on the issue. 
It's what I mean by a Regional attitude.They do not have to  account to real people.
A corollary to this story: the Town has adopted recommendations
to provide underpasses at particular locations on Regional roads to form links in the trail system and safety for pedestrians from residential neighborhoods to retail services. 
Support from the Region has been turgid. High costs have been cited without reference to design.
Money wasted on failed tree-planting, could  have paid  to have  seven underpasses  constructed, even at the price cited without reference to design.
I'm guessing there will be persistent stone-walling against the council adopted strategy. Not just by the Region.       

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