Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Don't Aski...Don't TEll":
But are we in different times? I have read all the comments & it clearly is a matter for Council to decide. Unless and until they do so, there is nothing that I can find to prevent a senior staffer from providing the necessary permits. It might require the passing of a by-law. That could be done. There is a real problem with establishing a precedent. A possible legalistic quagmire. But are we really in different times?
There is a Bylaw governing use of parks and the authority of the Director. An amendment might be timely.
There is no permit for a fence to be erected.
There is no permit to allow a fee for use of the band shell, to extend to lease of park space, to whatever number of vendors to generate revenue for the party of the second part.
LCBO requires a fence of a particular height to create an enclosure for a beer garden.The height is one metre.There is no maximum.
Revenue -producing opportunities were repeatedly accorded to a person honored by the former Mayor in a public meeting as an outstanding volunteer.
We most certainly are in different times.
In the previous term, six consistent votes authorized whatever decision might be made by the head of Council , before or after the fact.
A majority Council vote trumps everything except senior government legislation. .
Policies were interpreted to mean whatever was intended to be accomplished. .
A legal contract with the Town was differently interpreted at a different time, in the same circumstance.
For example, a contract with an Integrity Commissioner was cancelled not quite in time to prevent the first decision from being issued.
A second contract with a second Integrity Commissioner was signed in murky circumstance.
Legal agreements with Church Street school governing body were written by the Mayor.With neither legal input nor financial advice either apparently to the benefit of the town.
Residents were sued by their own municipality, during the course of an election, based on an ambiguous resolution on an issue that was not the town's business; at a time when Council was not scheduled to convene, therefore no authority could be sought or given to pursue litigation.
The list goes on...and on...and on.
It is certainly tedious for some.
Unfortunately, the worst decisions cannot be reversed. Harm done to individuals, can never be undone.
Some decisions that could and should be reversed are proving difficult to turn around. Some election promises have not been fulfilled.
Reminders are necessary
Lest we forget..
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