Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Late Garfield Wright

The problem when people buy a property overlooking a golf course is that they do not acquire the land with their view. It is owned by the golf course and subject to economic conditions as well as requiring regular servicing all summer and sometimes tree culling in the winter. It is quite clear in the residential plans. They can not suddenly claim possession. This reminds me of people who move into a rural area and then demand that the roads be paved and provided with sidewalks. Ain't going to happen


This comment reminds me of a story the late Garfield Wright told .

He was a farmer and  Reeve of East Gwillimbury, a rural township immediately north of Newmarket.

He received an irate call from a resident newly removed from the city.  The complaint was about  loss of water service.

"No water in the taps" What the hell is going on?"

Garfield  politely asked him a couple of questions and directed him to a  silent black object in a corner of the  basement and identified it as the pump ,connected to  the well  that supplied  the house with water. It had blown a fuse.

The city slicker had  bought  a house in the country without  any idea that urban services were unlikely miles into the country on a dirt road.

I heard Garfield tell  that story a number of times. It never failed to get a hearty chuckle.

A  favourite saying   "like my old Dad used to say; if you're so smart ....why ain't you rich? "

Another way of saying it could be ...You're so rich, why aren't you smart ?

Garfield Wright was  appointed the  first Chairman of  York Region  by the Province  of Ontario.

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