I have a story to tell today, so ridiculous ,itis not to be believed.
We have been discussing for several months what to do, what to do, about the anticipated loss of ash trees from an infestation
emerald ash beetles travelling north since 2002
They came from Korea in shipping ballets. First appeared in Chicago.No sure fire method of fighting off the invasion has been developed. Oakville , an area of consideable wealth, is trying something very expensive.
Worst case scenario,in a decade and a half in a gradual pace all ash trees may be destroyed.
Not all elm trees were destroyed by Dutch Elm Disease but most were.
Nobody knows for sure.But it's a blight alright.
The town's plan is to cut down trees as they become infected and replace them with another species.
Acquire land and plant a nursery to have a supply of trees. They would take seven years to mature.
The dreaded lurgy has already appeared in two trees in Aurora.
The town has twenty three hundred ash trees in parks and boulevards. There is no estimate of how many are on private property.
Council already approved a staff recommendation for a plan. problem .
The Financial officer' advised no need to budget for the plan this year. .
Last night we received a new option from staff at the request
of council on a motion from Councillor Abel. .
This is the part I am finding hard to believe. .
It's presented as pro-active .
Some residents might be upset when they see the ash tree on the boulevard in front of their home is infested and must be removed.
The town is going to provide an option.
If the resident wants to save the tree in the boulevard that belongs to the town, , the town will accept their funds and try to save the tree.No guarantee mind you. We will encourage them to spend their money to save our tree and if it dies....tough.
The pesky beetle is going to be around as long as there are ash trees. potential success of the effort is nil to zero.
But the town will offer it as a realistic option.
We will add $136,000 to the 2012 budget to finance the plan.
Council , including the Mayor, voted for the plan at committee last night.
Councillor Ballard was absent.
The recommendation will go forward to Council next Tuesday..
If passed we will re-open the 2012 budget and at a cost of $136,000 we will create an illusion of stout hearts and willing hands.
Nobody even asked us to do it.
Half the Council will become the darlings of the populace forever.
Kind of like the emerald ash borer
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