Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Financial Statements Should be Public":
"...the general public who funds us, sees the same value as our patrons who use us?"
Mr Sesto, the "patrons" are members of "the general public" - there are not two distinct groups, but a contingent of the whole.
Church Street School Board members and hangers-on continue to have a problem discerning the difference between their clients or patrons and the general public of Aurora.
They are not the same. Their clients and supporters come from miles around.
Critical discernment lies in the source of funding.
During the board's challenge to the town's authority, Councillors received a deluge of e-mail admonitions about our philistine attitude towards the arts . More than half were from people who live miles away. All were from the Board's e-mail list.
If they were paying what it cost to provide the programs they were enjoying ,it would matter not a whit where they came from.
If the costs ,covering rent, maintenance and programs artists were being provided by the Government of Ontario, it would not matter a whit where they came from in Ontario.
If all costs were being completely funded by the Government of Canada, it would not matter a whit whence from in Canada they came to enjoy the extraordinary facility in Aurora.
The difference is the funds are being picked out of the pockets of Aurora property owners by the Town of Aurora without as much as a by your leave .
The contract was slyly advanced through the approval process with nary a word from whatever source to indicate how badly taxpayers were to be gouged and exploited for the political advantage of less than a handful.
Who are now gone and replaced with a new group intent in covering their own posteriors and stubbornly resolved not to deal with the reality of how Church Street School was shanghaied by shameless despots, thereby assigning the new crop the role of accessories after the fact.
Paul Sesto's calculation is only incorrect insofar as it assumes users of the facility are the same as those paying taxes to fund the facility.
They are not.
Psshaw...Pestilential Pirates , lily-livered scoundrels, betrayers of women and children, the lot of them
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