Thursday, March 1, 2012

Am Not Paranoid.... You are

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I Just Realised":

Oh, come on!
You're not trotting out that old chestnut are you?
Geez, Evelyn, are we getting that desperate that you're giving her power again? Stop feeding the Morris monster.
When Susan Morton Leonard got ousted from the board, the door was slammed shut and locked on Morris et al.
Seriously, your paranoia is not helping this issue.
 You clearly know something I do  not. Don't tease , tell us the whole story. I had heard of personna non grata at the Centre but no specifics.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ugly Canadians":

So why is it an "Ugly Canadians" post? Are the supporters of your cause all foreign? Are you sure that those opposed to you are Canadian?

Doesn't make much sense to me.
 Allow me to explain. The title of the post is a play on the title of a play; " The Ugly American "  I was  speaking to  something
from the past but relevant to our current situation.
Hope that helps.
To the first comment above, I have to say, it took a little while for  the pattern to register.  The signs were all there but I wasn't  looking for them on Tuesday night.

Far from being paranoid, I don't expect to see anything I haven't seen before and lived through handily thank you . If one is not in the chair, one is not under the same stress.

The last time  a new council was subjected to mob tactics that managed to reverse  a  common sense decision made in committee was over the traffic calming project  in the north -east quadrant.

The project had been estimated and budgeted at $80,000.The bid came in at $211,000. Council knew there was something wrong with the figures. I figured the contractor wanted nothing to do with the insane plan. So he bid a price that couldn't possibly be accepted.
The project was called separately, he bid separately. 

The former  Mayor directed staff to hand-deliver letters to all  supporters of the project and they flooded the chamber tp demonstrate their outrage.

One young father put a photograph of his beautiful dark- curly-haired child on the overhead slide and stated  the child's  life and safety was on our heads  if we did not approve the plan.

Councillors collapsed under  the onslaught and went like lambs to the slaughter and took $211 thousand of  taxpayers resources with them.

Susan Walmer was in the forefront of the demonstration. No-one does it better or  with less attention to veracity.

Contrived prolonged humourless laughter and loud,almost
violent, applause at the expense of those who dare to disagree, are all  tools used in the process  to intimidate.

It's also behaviour that obstructs  council  business and warrants expulsion from the Council chamber. An experienced chair will not allow it.  The former Mayor used it. It was part of her modus operandi. Her idea of leadership.

On Tuesday, I watched Susan Walmer, as she watched me, spread her arms to their furthest extent and bring her hands crashing together with all the force she could muster, with a grin  like  Hannibal Lectern in Silence of the Lambs. when he spoke the line about eating someone's liver.

I have never watched that movie.  I like  to  be entertained. Movies  that illustrate the human capacity for evil do not  amuse me.

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