Friday, March 9, 2012

There Was And Is Still A Cabal

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "When Is An Agreement NOt An Agreement?When It Give...":

" the minds of the political movement that we call Mormac..."

WOW This is now a political MOVEMENT???!!???


And people wonder why I constantly look backwards.

Mormac has been a political movement in Aurora since 2003. It was not identified as such and of course  they haven't. It would not be   advantageous .

The title Mormac originated here.

In the 2003 election,they drove a  white vacation vehicle around  town during  two weekends prior to  and on the day of the election.
 Two sets of banners were displayed. One listed candidates to vote for. A second set named people not  to vote for.

 On election day the vehicle cruised  in the vicinity of  polling the new area.

My name didn't appear on either set.
But the  surefire evidence was  in 2006. Susan Walmer,of the hat of many acronyms, organised an all -candidates meeting in the town hall on a Sunday afternoon.
I was an incumbent.They used the late Dick Illingworth to pull names out of a hat to lend credibility to their scheme . If he were still alive, I could not tell you that. He would have been  deeply offended  and he most certainly was not a knowing party.

Tim Jones and Nigel Keane anticipated dirty tricks. They had no option but to participate.

The  question  for me to answer was whether I would approve an application for development if it was on the Oak Ridges Moraine?

It was not a simple black and white answer. The Moraine Act did not prohibit development. Lands with development designations. must  be allowed to proceed.

The only way that could  be reversed was if the government were to  purchase the land. As they had in Richmond Hill.

That was my answer.  The same question was asked of candidate Al Wilson He answered in a voice that  rose to a shout, he would refuse any and all  applications and  he received the anticipated  applause.

But the  undeniable  clue was the question  posed to  Evelina MacEachern.

She was asked if she had ever seen an example of conflict of interest when she was previously a member of  Council.

 I have to fill in another little bit of background here . Candidate MacEachern had withdrawn her name from  registration after John West and I registered as candidates in  the previous election. (2003)

Her statement  to  the press was that when she saw our  names, she decided she had better things to do with her time.

Ms MacEachern initial respons to her question was:;

"I can't believe I am the one being asked this question"

Then she told the crowd,  incumbent Mayor Tim Jones had a conflict once.

Mayor Jones, she said,  declared a conflict in  the open meeting when  wage increases for staff were approved  but he had not done so when the issue was discussed in a closed meeting.

No other candidate  could have answered that question. 

Since she made the accusation  about a closed meeting, there was no way to confirm it  or deny.

That year a slate of candidates was evident.   Five were elected. Morris,,MacEachern, Gaertner, Granger and Wilson.

When Grace Marsh resigned, Gallo was appointed and that made the six.

Someone made a comment about meetings in a basement to plot and scheme. No such thing.

Morris and MacEachern regularly met  in the Mayor's office until 2.a.m.,  after a cluster with the rest in the  chamber after council meetings  adjourned. They were not shy. They didn't care who saw.

They had the powa....dont'cha  know.

Things ARE better now,

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