Friday, March 9, 2012

Our Town And It's Business

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Another Airy-Fairy Notion":

Evelyn, I agree with much of what you write about here and the positions you take.

But lately it seems to be one complaint after another. Is life that bad all the time?
 I've  contemplated your question. I write about issues as they ariseand as I see them from a vantage point you do not have.

I've been doing it since August 2007.  A tapestry of  events has evolved that tell a story. It's  real. It's not embroidered. It is palatable or it would not be read by anyone.

Real people are involved. People who were elected and the people who did the electing for the most part.

Well-intentioned people and others. All of them making up part of the fabric of the community at this moment in time.

The blog focuses on the part that is the town's business.It's just a corner, to be sure. But it's an important corner.

I have a perspective derived from many years of involvement in the politics of our town. I've seen them come and  I've seen them go.

I have the ability to articulate what I am seeing. I have the tool to convey the message.

I think being  an elected representative is a worthwhile and honorable endeavour. I am only one voice but I treasure the opportunity to speak on behalf of people of like mind.

I am not overwhelmed by it. Nor is my life dragged down by it. My objective is to share the journey with anyone who wants to come along.

 I tell a story of political peccadilloes.

 In doing so, I bare my own soul and open myself to criticism.

The worst of  the criticism I do not publish. I feel no obligation'  

Writing a blog and inviting comments makes it  a shared experience.  A new one for most of us,  I  find it exhilarating . I think  the blog is beginning to mature.

If someone else wanted to write Pollyanna  about municipal politics,I think it might prove difficult. But the field is  wide open. As far as I know there are no obstacles in the way. 

What  the blog will  read  like ten or even five years from now I cannot guess. But I am enjoying  writing it the way I do now.

It flows freely. There is no artifice. No great effort to make it into an art form.

And Yet.  Is it not?

I'm sorry you find it tedious or tiresome or troublesome or whatever it is you are complaining about.

It is what it is. If I tried to make it more to your liking I would not be true to myself.

I don't tell you everything. There are not enough hours in the day.

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