Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Collosal Effrontery

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Who Will Buy ?":

Very discouraged by last night's meeting.

I thought that Mayor Dawe may have had his worst night yet. His comment about your Grandson's team replacing the leafs was NOT funny, but rather it was patronizing, demeaning and dismissive. I am sure he would say that he did not intend it to be so, but it was. His quip about stopping beating his wife was pathetic - "oh poor me, everyone's picking on me, how can I defend myself against these accusations". The guy is out of his depth.

I fail to see what leverage council thinks that the board has in these negotiations. In fact, I don't understand how they have a position from which to "negotiate" at all? It is OUR building! We don't NEED them. And that is NOT an indictment against Arts programming. IF we chose to allow them to manage the place, it should be ENTIRELY on our terms.

This whole thing is getting surreal. Completely disappointed by Abel, Thomson and Humfryes last night. At least Ballard is consistent.


Councillor Ballard's comments were to the point. They didn't go far enough.

The entire concept of "negotiations"  between the town and the board  borders on the ridiculous.

Council has made it clear, if  the talks do not achieve the town's objectives, the agreement will be terminated. Promptly.

Council has the authority and the responsibility.

How can there be negotiations  in these circumstances'

The board has no footing..They do not own the building, They pay no rent. They have no investment to speak of..

The agreement is not sustainable. It does not reflect the interest of the town in any way. It cannot be allowed to stand.

Councillor Ballard, Gaertner and Gallo have indicated support for the current agreement.

A regular progress report  is to be submitted to Council.  The process  is  expected  to take a year.

Each time progress is reported, coercion will be asserted. And rightfully so. 

The entire exercise can be nothing  but  a time-consuming farce with everyone involved losing credibility in the process.

Last night's endless circuitous debate on the first report presented is but a foreword of what is to come. 

In defence of the direction taken and accomplishment achieved,  the Mayor stakes the high ground . There is a claim to professional

A media release this morning by the Chairman of the Board  is in accord with high level progress achieved.

I think in its entirety, its just colossal effrontery .

I am further assured that's how it will be seen by the common sense masses, whose feet rest securely on the ground. .

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