Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "In Your Easter Bonnet":
10:47 PM
You missed the point clearly made in that article. The ACC was pitching their vision through the press. Mayor Dawe said nothing and his Council were not members of his so-called team. He may fancy himself to be a White Knight but he was not the only one elected to represent Aurora. Maybe he thinks he can just present some package to Council for them to blindly pass but he sure risks alienating them by not having Pirri and Abel on board. Did it occur to you that this too might have been done because the ACC refused to deal with the ones who knew them best?
Sometimes it seems points made in posts are deliberately misconstrued.It becomes obvious if I clarify and that too gets twisted to say what the commenter prefers.
I understand, there have been a number of meetings with staff and Mayor participating,
The Mayor made a commitment, there will be progress or the termination clause will be activated.
The problem is different understanding of what represents progress. .
Apparently terms of reference, as parameters for discussion are hoped to be recommended to Council by the end of the month'
Nothing more.
After Council approval of terms of reference, committee members will be named .
How long that takes, remains to be seem approval. All councillors have a right to attend wherever town business is being discussed.
One thing is obvious, there will be no resolution to the problem to speak of by the end of March as committed by the Mayor and it seemed, expected by Councillors Humphrey's and Thompson.
When they put forward an amendment that wasn't an amendment but was put to a vote by the Mayor, and did in fact, neuter the original motion of Abel and Pirri.
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