Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Point Of Zero Tolerance...or No Return

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Collosal Effrontery":

I do not want to rain on an already soggy parade, but did anyone hear the word ' museum ' mentioned?


The word has been conspicuous in its absence from several reports
presented to Council recently..  The last report referred to " whoever that agent might be" instead of simply,"a museum curator".

It's   odd how the meaning of words has taken on  new significance in common currency,with some seeming to be avoided at all costs.

My own straightforward style of expression is interpreted as "inflammatory". Ever ready to burn the barn down.

 At all costs, we must not  upset the sensitivities of the artistic, high-minded cultural element of our society with crude plain talk..

Speaking the obvious must be avoided at all costs. Lest it send  them fluttering to the furthest branches never to come back to the table for negotiations.

While total unsustainability of the current  agreement is noted,  at the same time, we must  prostrate ourselves like base sinners before the  stupendous work of the high-minded  professionals in bringing us up by our bootstraps to the altar of culture.

Like we wouldn't know art from  the effect of proverbial organic matter having hit the fan. Or the magic of theatre. Or the  uplifting quality of music from the profane business of making ends meet  on a limited budget.

One of the more interesting  aspects of being up close and personal in politics is the opportunity  to watch those who  want only to be loved ,twist themselves into pretzels  to express contradictry positions in order to please all of the people all of the time while convincing themselves of the nobility of the cause.of frantically trying to cover every inch of their own arses..

They little understand how transparent it is to people watching at home with nothing to distract them from each tiny verbal nuance or  twist of body language and  glaring contradiction.

Persomal skills of persuasion  and self-deception are as  vastly overvalued as  the community's  ability to recognise  fear of losing a single vote is  under-estimated.

Watching another human assume the role of slithering invertebrate is uncomfortable at best and  positively degrading at least.

It the common misconception about  what politics are about. 

It's the point at which adults are separated from juveniles.

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