Saturday, March 17, 2012

You Can Fool Some Of The People

Yesterday  a lengthy comment  was posted in response to the last post. "Looking for Logic In All The Wrong Places"

It was angry, explosive and  critical of  Council. It named members.

This morning a cryptic comment dismissed the entire point.

I didn't publish this morning's comment.

I think Councillors need to know what people are thinking. It's in the nature of a performance review.

We  spend hundreds of thousands of  tax dollars on a  corporate communication system. It's not intended for feedback.It's used as promotion. 

What  chance the system would publish critical comments of  Mayor and Council?

In a pig's ear, my friends.

Do I share critical comments about myself?  Sometimes.

Do I read them? Always.

The thing is, relatively few people read the blog, as opposed  to other publications. People who log in know what they are likely to find.

It's political. It's about our town affairs. It's only of  interest to people who live here and not all of them.

People who pay attention.

It's why I think  members of council  should  know what people are saying.

Some people ?  Yes.  All of the people. No. We can't know for sure how many.

We do know,there is no great outcry that council are being unfairly criticised.

So, comments are like  a barometer. They  registers atmospheric conditions that could lead to this or that weather. If  barometrics  change and they do,  the  weather forecast changes too.

I don't think a person  can be successful in politics unless they understand what people expect. It's only learned by listening.

I'm not talking about running a successful campaign.

I'm talking about being  re-elected because people know what to expect. Being around long enough to acquire the kind of experience that gives people security.

Because they know, that you know what you're talking about and the positions you take,you think are right.

They don't need to believe you are right. They need to know you believe it. They need to be able to count on you.

Trust is a rare commodity in politics. It has to be earned. It builds slowly. One day at a time.

The good news is, it's easier than trying to please all of the people all of the time.


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