Sunday, March 4, 2012

For Your Information

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It looks like someone has been taking the creative writing classes at the cultural centre.

A Writers Club has been meeting in the Town Hall for years. Possibly since the building opened. Certainly long enough to have published an anthology of their work several years ago.

It's more of the misrepresentation in the campaign to maintain status quo at the old school. 

The Pine Tree Potters  group got their start in town space. When the police vacated the old waterworks building , the potters  had a kiln in the bottom of the unused water tower They were showing in the earliest art shows.

They were in Church Street  School at another point.They have now apparently moved from the  library.

I have mentioned a number of times ,the start of  organised  Aurora Artists . Their  annual show became a juried  show in a  few years, Because of the support and encouragement provided by the Town's Recreation Director.Ernie Batson.

The Town built the Skylight Gallery in the Town Hall for their particular needs.

The Senior's Centre  was built to accommodate events such as the Sing-a-Long, that would  likely be provided.

I  re-call promotion for piano concerts in a church. Maybe Trinity Anglican. Which  is  itself a beautiful modern auditorium. and would certainly accommodates a significantly larger audience than anything  Church Street School has to offer.

There is a strong negative reaction throughout the community to the implication Aurorans  were art philistines  before  the Culture Centre  board and staff arrived to drag us up by our bootstraps.

How insulting.

There is no art in that building which hasn't been happening in our town for generations.  That that group were not aware indicates they were not really part of our community.

The campaign is reminiscent of when Morris, Kean and
associates were council members and had to denigrate veteran councillors  to distract from their own appalling  ignorance of the history of the community they had been elected to serve.

On Tuesday while I listened  I noticed David Tomlinson in the audience applauding speakers.

David is part of the Arboretum Group which has been receiving a "grant" of $100,000 a year from the Town for  six years  to realise  their dream.

Not long ago, the town approved spending $294,000 on a design for a wildlife park on land which is not ours and won't be for a number of years. For a concept  that interferes with water courses which will never receive approval from the Conservation authority.

The wildlife park is David's project.

He is also a supporter of trail system underpasses on major traffic arteries at an estimated  cost of millions.

Peter Piersoll  sent an e-mail is support of the existing Culture Centre agreement which in no way reflects the town's interest. He is  with David  on all of the expensive projects they support.

David was also named Citizen of the Year by the former Mayor.

As was Susan Walmer.

While I was listening on Tuesday I recalled when Catherine Marshall first came to attention. She had been appointed to an eleven member Environmental Services Committee.It was intended to be seven but eleven applied.

Catherine promptly designed a leaflet, took it off to the printer and ordered a run-off of several thousand.

There was no budget for the item, no authority to proceed but it was held then also to be disgraceful to question a volunteer.

Catherine  was there with Susan Walmer on Tuesday. Walmer , Tomlinson, Marshall  and Piersol have all been members of the committee.

Walmer was also  chosen Citizen of the Year by the same Mayor.

Before the last election, Town Directors were directed to write up reports of all the simply marvelous accomplishments of volunteer committee members  during the four year term.

Directors did that.

So much was written,it was found to be too much. Then the directive was to condense the material to make it readable.

They did that.

I have no doubt it was intended as  campaign material.  I believe it was the  intent of  public resources being abused for political promotion.

And still being used that way.

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