Last night a headline on the screen of a twenty-four-seven news channels read:
New polls indicate Mayor Rob Ford continues to enjoy high ratings
for his performance but not enough to win an election.
We assume the person who wrote that has a degree or a certificate of some sort . It's the week-end so they may not have permanent full-time employee status. Still they are employed to write material germaine to particular expertise.
The statement would have subliminal influence.
So what does it say?
If there was an election today, despite high ratings ,Mayor Ford would lose.
Where's the logic?
If Mayor Ford was unchallenged in the election, would he lose?
If six candidates competed for the job , would the Mayor be certain to lose?
May we assume platforms offered by other candidates be bound to trump the policies that give high ratings to Mayor Ford ?
If the main challenger in the race was a prominent Liberal politicians, backed by deep Liberal pockets, nationally and provincially. in Tory Blue Toronto, would Mayor Ford lose in exactly the circumstances that delivered victory in the previous election?
The last question coming to mind; is how can the media employ a person to write political commentary with intent to influence people, who clearly knows nothing whatsoever about Toronto's municipal politics?
Or any politics at all ?
Many, many factors, including the individual judgement of several million voters in Toronto will decide two and a half years from now
whether or not Mayor Rob Ford will be re-elected to his office in 2014.
Not the least will be quality, credibility and status of a single candidate who seeks to challenge and force him from office.
Rob Ford is doing what he said he would. From this distance, he rises to the dignity of the Mayor's office.
He can have disappointed no-one. Not the people who voted for him or those who voted against him. Or the public sector unions.
Whatever else Rob Ford is and continues to be, true to himself.
People like that in a candidate.
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