Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mayor Rob Ford Is A Piker in Contrast.":
And this my friends is exactly the kind of mindless bullshit that pisses off the constituents again and again , it’s this, can't play nice in the sand box mentality that the politicians crave ,its all about tit for tat , instead of spending their time wisely, taking care of the business they were elected to take care of ,Is it any wonder politics is attracting fewer and fewer quality candidates ,who in their right mind would sign up for this tour.
The late Dick Ilingworth used to say. "You don't have to be crazy, but it helps."
People in their right mind suffering from this particular type of
craziness have to be willing to"sign up for this tour"
If they don't, the field is left wide open for the others.
Politics has never been about playing nice in the sand box. Are you kidding?
It can't be overlooked this Provincial government created the puerile permissive legislation for Codes of Conduct to be adopted by municipalities that allowed this particular brand of mischief to flourish in municipal politics.
I never voted for it. I never signed it. I never filed any complaints . Although God Knows I had reason enough.
But maybe now the Mayor of Toronto is being taken to court on a charge of Conflict of Interest over paltry $3,000., contributed to a kids' football team , someone might begin to recognise the harm that has been wrought.
There can be little doubt from Clayton Ruby's comments, the effort is to remove the Mayor from office.
And how will that be read by the public?
They couldn't do it in an election with a hand-picked candidate with the entire Liberal establishment behind him.
Who would doubt this is a plan to deny the people of Toronto their choice of Mayor?
How could anyone argue differently?
$3,000. for a cause the Mayor declares he believes in passionately.
Good, bad or indifferent, the choice was Toronto's to make. They made it. Their Mayor is doing what he said he would.
His adversaries are doing what they can to stop him. The memdia is on top of things. The system is working as it should.
There don't appear to be any secrets or poltergeists
Then up comes Clayton Ruby, the fearsome one, to stick his oar in.
Someone asked if the Mayor would be defended with the City's dime. It is certainly a possibility. It has happened elsewhere.
We will await the next chapter.
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