Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I Just Realised":
"The contract for the Church Street school was designed to give the former Mayor and friends complete control of the building."
Hyperbole aside, I have a hard time to beleive this. I think that perhaps the contract was drawn up to enable those that travel in the same circle to have a place. They felt that this was their legacy - whether they stayed in power or not.
As a 20 year resident of Aurora, I see a number of "clics".
1. The old timers. These are the residents that have lived here for a long time. They liked Aurora of the 60s and 70s. It was not a bedroom community but a town on it's own.
2. The first wavers. This is a group of residents that moved here in the 80s and created some of the more affluent communities (northwest Aurora), Eldeberry trail, etc. They feel that Aurora is an affluent community and this is the audience that the Cultural Centre is aimed at. This is the group that MorMac appeals to.
3. The second wavers. This is a group that moved in the '90s and they have moved into areas like the south west. These people are not as affluent as the Eldeberry group. They are typically commuters that have moved from the city and were looking for a quieter place to raise their family.
4. The third wavers. This is the group that has moved into the area - typically Aurora east. These are the people that the Sobeys, Walmarts, etc have been built for. Some of these people have no idea where "downtown" Aurora is. They moved here because at the time, the houses were inexpensive (comared to Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Markham).
If council is going to govern the Town they really need to look at the demographics.
For those of you on this blog, where do you fit into the four groups above?
You have to go back further than twenty years to have a sense of the town's history and demographics.
The first wave in the sixties came for the same reason as the last. Houses were affordable. And I mean cheap. .
The town, like every other community that ever was, had an affluent sector and all the rest.
Who ever Mormac was appealing to didn't care for the tune.
The last wave of newcomers are similar to all the rest. They pay taxes to the Town of Aurora.
They don't need anyone to be advised of the fact.
Like everyone else, it takes a couple of years to break ties with the place they came from;the butcher, the baker ,the candlestick maker.
Grandparents follow and the whole family is together.
The kids will go to school and play soccer and ball and hockey. Parents from different parts of the community will sit together and watch them or coach them and help each other out getting them to games.Kids are the great equalizers.
They will become aware of where town services fit into their lives
and where the shortcomings are and why there are shortcomings..
Leaders and spokespersons will emerge from among them and pretty soon candidates for public office will appear. No-one will suggest they don't have a right. Because they do. The community will accept them because the community always has.
Same as Newmarket. Same as Richmond Hill. Same as every other community in York Region.
All talk of bedroom communities will prove to be a crock.
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