Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Another Airy-Fairy Notion":
I would think and hope that artists working and living in the region would be only too willing to donate representative samples of their art to municipal governments to be put on display in appropriate public places.
A form of self-promotion, leading to additional commercial sales.
Everyone wins.
The town has actually been buying a piece of art from the annual Aurora Art Show for years.
We built the Skylight Gallery at the Town Hall to foster art in the community.
Paintings have been displayed on every available space on the walls of the first floor with prices and contact information ever since the town hall was built.
We must have quite a collection in various rooms throughout the building. Maybe they should all be gathered in one place.
The leisure services department have just announced once again the
annual picnic table painting competition for students..
The wood frame walls of the Armouries building in the town park could lend themselves very well to graffiti artists.
Benches in town in various locations would accommodate colorful figures and perhaps encourage the use for which they were intended. A worthy project for the shop courses in our newest high school.
All that's needed is imagination. Appreciation follows.
I'm fairly certain the town would welcome ideas.
It's just not the business of politicians to be imposing taxation for the purpose of imposing a profane political notion of what represents public art.
Imagine such a thing being decided by a majority vote.
Council couldn't even agree on a design for street furniture a few years ago.
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