Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Melange

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I Just Realised":
Who is Robert Layton? What is his background?
A google search reveals that Tracy Smith is acting Executive Director of the Ontario Forestry Association, and has ties to Ms. Walmer through the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust, and that Heidi Franken is, I believe, an accountant with the Ontario Securities Commission, and was also a member of the Community Action for Wells Street. However, a google search reveals nothing of Mr. Layton.
I was expecting to learn of his qualifications to run the Cultural Centre, and maybe even a bit about what other ties he may have to certain groups within our community (like the others), but I can't find anything.
What is his background? Is he qualified for the position? What is HIS association with the controlling interests?
I do not know the answers to these questions.

Comments like this and similar have been flying through the ether all day. I just hung up the phone from talking to an observer  at Tuesday's  meeting. From the phone to the computer I thought about the saying, "You can't see the forest for the trees"

It's the  difference between  being a participant in a  meeting and  an observer.

On Tuesday,the debate on the Abel/Pirri resolution was over.All that remained was for the vote to be called.But it wasn't

I wondered why Sandra proposed removal of a clause and  different wording at that point. The fight wasover.

My  observer had  a clearer perspective.

The Chair failed to call the vote. It was as if he was waiting. Clearly there was a pause.

Like something was anticipated. Then it happened.

Six people had  spoken  in support of the motion. The vote should have been six in favour....three against.

The change proposed was not a valid amendment. An amendment cannot change the intent of the motion.

It was moved by Councillor Humphrey seconded by Councillor Thompson and put to a vote anyway.

The ultimate vote was six in favour of the castrated motion ... three in favour of the original motion.

That is what happened. There is no dispute.

I told Sandra on Wednesday. In politics, trust must be earned.It's slow to grow.It's easily lost.It's never re-gained.

A whole lot of trust was lost on Tuesday night.

Among all the stuff I read in e-mails last week the board  had received advice from their lawyer,  a former Councillor.

I  couldn't  think who that might be.

Damir Vrancic was in the front row of the spectator's seats on Tuesday  along with board members.

He sat grimly,  arms folded throughout the meeting Apparently he had earlier embraced Councillor Gaertner fondly.

I thought; "Of course  he's the board's lawyer"

 I never thought of Damir being a lawyer. Mostly he was  just  the fourth leg of the Morris,Kean,Gaertner foursome.They could always count on each other. He was the king pin. Cos he was a lawyer dontcha know.

It seemed appropriate.

It makes sense he would be advising the Culture Centre.

Notice lots of  letters in The Auroran to-day. Nothing like a controversy for getting people riled enough to put pen to paper.

Somebody took exception to my call for the Culture Centre Board to resign.  I didn't actually do that.

I simply said, the honorable thing  for an  appointed board receiving funding and facilities from the town, if they found themselves in conflict with the town, would be to resign.

I did not ask the board to resign. I just think it's the right thing to do,

Doesn't mean they will Doesn't mean they should

It just means I have the right to say they should . And I do.

I do not speak without logic or for myself alone.

I believe  it's outrageous this board and members of their staff have conducted a  strident  campaign full of mischief and misrepresentation in order to challenge the authority of the town..

I would never vote to appoint anyone to a board with authority to act on behalf of the town with such a factor in their background.

How much they love arts does  not persuade me.

Being a volunteer isn't  a warranty for sainthood.

Susan Walmer and Catherine Marshall volunteer themselves  into all kinds of situations.

Volunteering means it's not required.

People who volunteer don't generally do it to set themselves up as an authority on anything.Or an aspiring Joan D'Arc

It's  their nature to want to help. The reward is being there, seeing the need and being able to help.

Every day people in this community are being kind to one another.

They are not organizing a mob to jeer and sneer, spreading  lies and deceit to get what doesn't belong to them and take it without as much as by your leave or please or thank you.

They give. They do not take

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