Thursday, March 1, 2012

I Just Realised

The contract for the Church Street school was designed to give the former Mayor and friends complete control of the building.

Make sure neither Council nor anyone else knew what was going on.

They lost the town hall in the election. They still have control of Church Street School.

That's why this fight is down and and dirty.

Why did I not think of that before?

In defense of myself....because I don't think like they do. It became evident on Tuesday when all the usual suspects were on hand. It was quite like old times.

Still it took a few hours for the plan to become plain.

Ballard's role has continued from an advantage within council. Though the Good God Knows, he is no Machiavelli

But the extent of mischief he wrought was clear and
undeniable on Tuesday night.

Geoff Dawe doesn't think like them either. Nor Michael Thompson. Nor Sandra Humphryes.

John Abel and Paul Pirrie caught a sense of it because the time they spent with board members made them realise they would not let go of complete control unless they were forced.

John an Paul sought the professional advice within the town hall for a motion which would accomplish the objective of providing public accountability.

It was written and re-written to meet every contingency.

It was never likely to win approval of Gallo,Gaertner or Ballard. They were instrumental in setting things up the way they are. They are still members of the cult.
For what it's worth.

So now we know what we are dealing with.

Now it's up to Mayor Dawe, Councillor Humphryes and Councillor Thompson to set things right.

Councillor Humphryes I understand has a crisis in the family. That puts the onus on the Mayor and Councillor Thompson.

I'll get on to that right away.

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