Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "All In Favour Of A Commissar?":
Give me the job.....
I am quite aware of how the Province dictates how municipalities are run. My sarcastic tone is not easy to pick up in print.
"Why would you imagine a reduction in staff at the municipal level and transfer to the regional level would cost less money?"
Well.. If each town had 10 people (not sure if that is accurate but for argument's sake) that dealt with water, you may only need 20 at a regional level. That is 10 salaries/benefits that a Town would not need to pay.
"Bless Your Heart Child, What makes you think transferring staff from towns to the regions would result in a smaller payroll in Aurora? Or improved service?"
Again the condescending attitude... I think the math is clear. If the Town has 100 employees and 10 are removed, the cost is less. Do you know something about payroll that I don't?
"Why do you feel the debate about water rates is endless? Is it because you just don't want to hear it any more.? Poor baby!"
Nice.... What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Mr. Moe Stoogie or Stoogie Moe or just plain Stoogie ..However you wish to be known
The definition of insanity is making the same MISTAKE over and over and expecting a different result.
Repeating the same message over and over has a different aim. The community starts to notice and understand. If I can't persuade colleagues I am something other than a contrarian, perhaps our supporters can.
I'm sorry I was condescending. Nothing makes me angrier.
I probably don't know more than you about simple math.
I do know more about how the municipality is functioning. I am not confident that all is well.
I believe Council's authority has been substantially diminished. A huge turnover in an election means new,unsure Councillors are more inclined to accept staff advice and less inclined to realise its influence on their personal judgement. They are naturally conscious of the fishbowl environment.
I offer a snippet from the budget to prove my point.
The town has eight contract seasonal employees.The policy allows for flexibility in the work program. When the program is less in a given year, man hours can be reduced accordingly. The difference in cost is substantial. Benefits and wages are the main saving. $29,100 each contract.
User fees are impacted by cost of facility operation. The higher cost memans higher user fees needed to recover cost.
In this budget, three contract positions are recommended to become permanent staff complement. Increased cost... $77,300
There will be no increase in service.
The connection between higher cost of operating was not made to user fees.The reason is simple.
In the last term the adminstration was re-organised. Responsibility for facilities management was transferred from the department with responsibility for programs to a department with no such responsibility.
I saw no merit in the re-organisation. The above disconnect is a sample of dis-organisation.My initial judgement is confirmed.It was bad advice.Given by people who had not been in the administration long enough to understand how it worked before they set about changing it.
It was not undertaken in the interest of the community.
Last week we learned of a Trillium grant awarded to Sport Aurora. A spokesperson said it would mean all children in Aurora would be able to participate in sports programs regardless of means.
How does needless jacking-up of operating cost leading to higher user fees contribute to that worthy objective?
What stakeholders, clients or investors are served.?
The budget has received approval in principle with that and many other increases in spending that contribute nothing whatsoever to an improvement of service or efficient use of resources.
What pray you, Stoogie ,would you do in the circumstances?
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