Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Success All Round":
Newmarket?! That's heresy in a blog that's supposedly about "Our Town".
Ah!! but you fail to appreciate my subtlety.
In Our Town we regularly waive fees for use of town facilities. We have a line item in the budget.
Organizations raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity think nothing of requesting a waiver of fees,year after year,for use of town facilities.
We are the target town for fund-raisers because of our munificent generosity.
We even provide "sponsorship grants",cash money, on top of waiving user fees as much as a thousand dollars, for a three day Jazz Festival that last year had reported revenue of $140,000...all on the pretext it brought business and fame to Our Town
What a crock.
It certainly contributed nothing to the cost of providing the service.
It was a deficit, deficit all the way.
We regularly elect people who regard their role akin to philanthropy. Nothing is enjoyed more than contemplation of distributing largesse from tax coffers.
Grandmama...Grandmama''' How much can we give away?
Oh dear children, lots and lots today
To make ourselves popular with the unwashed masses who are too preoccupied to comprehend, it's their resources we are giving away.
A few years ago, a fundraiser was held for a town event;the July 1st Parade. Traditionally the parade had always been financed from the fundraiser.
A Silent Auction was held. Four tables of prizes donated.
No proceeds were reported. No accountability required. Despite the event was held by a sub-committee of an advisory committee and prizes were solicited under the auspices of the town.
Instead the town ponied up a $10,000 grant to fund the event out of taxes. The next year, $12,000
Every year, when that small group of families gather in Newmarket to work hard and put on a social event to raise funds to make the lives of specially abled young adults better, I think of the contrast of how things are done in Aurora.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars are raised for charitable and other events in Aurora. Possibly millions. The norm rather than the exception, is for organisation to ask for fees for town facilities to be waived.
Why do they do that?
Small organizations that apparently don't rate, pay the fees. Which must inevitably be higher to absorb the cost for free-loaders.
But successive Aurora councils think only of how to increase prestige by doling out the dough on the scale of importance of the organizations making the request.
I think it's shameless . Unconscionable. Embarrassing. Politics at its least elevating.
So every year close to Valentine's Day, I tell the story again of the amazing success of a small group of families, some from Aurora, who have created an event that people look forward to, that raises funds to contribute to the lives of people who need the help and pay the user fee for the facility the town provides and never ask for it to be waived.
I await the final tally eagerly so that I can make the point once more, for the benefit of neighbours and colleagues.
We keep hearing of affluence of the average resident in Aurora.
Why are the merits of paying their share not recognized?
Why are the scam artists so easily able to fold into the fabric of our community?
Why is there so much TALK about righteousness, good conduct and efficient management?
Give me a break.
Why am I made to feel like a common scold for mentioning what appears to me to be so obvious ?
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