There's a story on page 22 of The Auroran of interest to those paying attention to the Melodrama of Church Street School.
It's a feature about the first performer in the "second wave of Great Artist Piano Series at the Centre", the brainchild of award winning musicians and Aurora residents Bonnie and Norbert Kraft. As performers themselves,Mrs Kraft said "Hosting a concert series like this has been a life-long dream"
After twenty years of touring Canada and the world, the couple encountered many local sponsors along the way that dedicated themselves to opening up their homes, giving concerts,and fostering musicians,and once established they wanted to return the favour.
"It was my dream and what I dearly wanted to do." she said. "If I can play a part and help in the process (of introducing musicians
to local audiences)I feel that I am in a small way helping live music stay alive in our community.
That's nice.
The missing piece of the story is that Bonnie Kraft is a member of the Culture Centre Board. Our heritage building, Church Street School, has been the key to Ms. Kraft realising her life- long dream.
The first thing that board did was exclude the town's museum from the building renovated to serve that purpose.
The second was to use town funds to purchase a grand piano. It cost thousands of dollars .We gave it to them.
So Ms Kraft realized a life-long dream, not by sponsoring concerts in her own home and fostering musicians. As a member of a board, which used a building intended for another purpose and town funds to purchase a piano under an agreement that in no way represents the interest of the community represented by the other party to the contract.
How's that for a stroke of incredible good fortune?
Where else can a person go to realize a life long dream on someone else's nickel?
It should be the town's new logo.
Come to Aurora ! The place where lifelong dreams are made to come true at public expense.
Maybe Neil Diamond could be persuaded to dedicate his song to our town.
We could send the Town Crier forth calling to people with lifelong dreams. "Come On Up. Have we got a deal for you. We will give you oodles of cash,buildings restored at great expense, rent free, free, maintenance, heat and light and controlled atmosphere. We will ask nothing of you.
Of course we won't talk too much about the shifty way the museum and the Historical Society were shoved out of the way to make room for an indidual's lifelong dream to be fulfilled.
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