Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It Could Be Done

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "When Is An Amendment Not An Amendment ?":

Sorry. Rule question again. Is there anything to prevent an emergency Council meeting to say 'we screwed up' and correct this mess? It is their Council and they are entitled to goof. Is there no remedy?


It could happen . It would require at least a quorum of  Council to attend.

They would have to agree to the  need for correction. I think there was beginning to be a realisation the change  wasn't practical.

Before he would vote on the changed motion, Councillor Pirri asked for an outline of how exactly it was going to work. There was no  reassurance  that it would accomplish anything that had not already been tried.

The upcoming month is March break, nothing much can get during that time. A Special Meeting of Council only needs forty-eight hours notice and the purpose declared. The Procedure would have to be waived to re-consider the motion. Two thirds vote of council is required to waive procedure If the three remnants of the past were not willing, and six or even five were willing it could be done.

It should never  have happened. An amendment cannot change the intent of a resolution. Council should have been advised.

It's why we require notices of motion prior to motions. It provides  time for certainty of intent.

People were tired.

Nobody should underestimate the effect of a crowd like that.

The only thing missing was the stomp of boots on a bare floor to intimidate council. Misinformation and mischief was rampant.

Meek and mild expressions of willingness to co-operate from board members were refuted entirely by the statements of Mayor Dawe and Councillors Pirri and Abel of what they had encountered in their efforts.

The Mayor drew attention to a culled e-mail list used by a staff person at the centre to circulate the misinformation. He did not go easy on them. That's why the turn around was so unexpected and unbeleivable.

The campaign  to challenge  the town's authority was enough to get each and every one  responsible booted from any position of responsibility

Theresa met someone at the town hall last night who had been a member of the board and quit because of the politics. He wasn't there in their support.

Not only are they accountable to no-one, they have no sense whatsoever of the unacceptability of their conduct.No more than the three Councillors who created the contract in the first place.

Ballard wasn't even a Councillor. Just one of the many people promoted  in the last term to have influence never intended by the electorate.

As the saying goes;

It's not corruption you have to worry about. It's stupidity.

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