The Georgina situation opens another window on what goes on behind many walls in town halls. I've blogged on it before. The current drama bursting forth in Georgina makes it relevant once again.
The Director of Leisure Services, is on extended medical leave. The job is still his. He is continues to be an employee of the municipality.
The Mayor has apparently confirmed that. So, the Mayor, was suing an employee on extended medical leave, on behalf of the municipality,for defaming his reputation. He wasn't doing it for himself. So the corporation is paying the bills. Which bills by the way are a matter of public record.
The Director of Leisure Services must have been very sure of himself to take issue with the Mayor about the merits of the recreational proposal. That would likely come from holding elected office himself in Georgina. In and of itself, that's an unusual circumstance.
It must have been a thorn in the Mayor's side.
An appointed official has two choices when he find himself in disagreement with political masters.
He can surrender his own judgement, lobby Councillor friends for support, or he can walk.
Not too many people walk.
If a contract was signed with a clause covering a certain eventuality, there's a chance he walks with a generous settlement.
There are situations where an official is wise to obtain such a clause in a contract. The same situation as a municipality has no option but to agree.
If he has been satisfactorily employed for a period of years, he can walk. with a month's pay for every year of employment.
In either case, there's an agreement he walks without cause.
If cause is publicly indicated,,he can sue for wrongful dismissal, be reinstated in his job and paid all salary and benefits for the time it took for court action to be completed.
Courts are not sympathetic to municipalities seeing as how politicians are involved.
Numbers of other public agencies are not sympathetic to politicians.
Another option exists for an appointed official. They can go on sick leave. There must be medical documentation to support that option to satisfy the agency providing compensation.
Severe stress undermining a person's ability to function could be sufficient medical documentation.
I have become familiar with the options in recent years.
It's no way to run a railroad.
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