Tuesday, February 28, 2012

An Exchange...Civil..,I don't think so

Subject: Re: Aurora Cultural Centre
Good Evening Mr.Broughton
I have received your e-mail. Thank you for taking the time. I am glad you recognize the symbol Church Street School was intended to be when the town invested several millions of dollars in its renovation.
The primary purpose was to restore the Aurora Museum  to it's rightful place. in a  setting befitting  its importance to our community
Long before the Culture Centre Board was created ,the Aurora Historical Society invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in specialized architect plans for the renovation. Volunteers spent hundreds of hours doing rough and dirty work in preparation for the renovations and to save on costs.
The 2006 Council supported a resolution proposed by myself to use funds from  the sale of our Hydro asset to complete the work started by the Historical Society which had ground  to a halt because of insufficient funds.
The vision was for cultural activities to take place along with  the museum program.
The vision was frustrated by the Culture Centre Board when  they froze out the Historical Society from the building.
They were aware of the community's dissatisfaction. Yet they volunteered neither a  change nor an explanation of their decision.
The agreement  between the town and the board has been reviewed by the town's  solicitor. It is severely deficient. There must be a change.
It is entirely inappropriate for an appointed  Board  using a beautiful  building owned by the town, paying neither rent maintenance heat or light and receiving $356,000 of town funding, to  organize a  campaign of opposition against  Council's authority to conduct the town's business in the best interest of the municipality . 
You have enjoyed this building because the  Historical Society  and  the town made  huge investments in our future
You will enjoy it more when the original vision is realised. 
Mr.Broughton's response
Dear Ms Buck,
Thank you for your candour.  You are the first person to have admitted that this council's objective is to dismantle the Aurora Cultural Centre and particularly for political/antiquated reasons.  As I am sure you are aware, the constituency that voted for you is conservative and as a rule has little interest or appreciation for art or new ideas.  I suspect you treat the Board as an assault to your power, so I utterly grasp your initiative.  Please attempt to see your folly.  Police, jails, wars, militarization, attacks on our privacy and the middle class are the purvey of the federal government.  Surely you could see it in your heart to protect a little culture in Aurora, while the country goes mad in a sea of fear, greed and safety.  Your bleak boorish legacy can be resurrected!
Peter Broughton
My response though my mother would have said "Just ignore the beast"

*Good Morning Mr. Broughton,
I note your bad manners.
Let me assure you. I do not presume to speak for Council. 
 I speak for myself and the people I represent. I expect every  member of council to do the same.
 You on the other hand, may speak only for yourself. You do little to promote your own argument.
 I suspect nothing  would elevate your thinking, not excluding the  fine art and culture you purport to support

Now I'm done.

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