Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Well Now, Let's See

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Not Understood At All":

"I'm still waiting for Guy Poppe's promised list of the Morris accomplishments. Let's see. Yes, that was just prior to the election. Still waiting and you did promise. If you wished to reply, I'm sure Evelyn would allow you a spot as the Citizen banned you from participation. But not a long term tenure."

Right after I see a list of Evelyn's accomplishments from the same time frame. Here's a start...

1. Lodged lawsuit against 6 Aurora families


Guy Poppe always identified himself when he made a comment. The one  above is not from him

While he  was undoubtedly a supporter of. the Mormac duo,it was not plain to me he was a mortal enemy of mine.

What the Mormac duo accomplished is a regular feature of this blog, It is not pretty. Some people feel I dwell upon it too much.
They beg  me to stop.

Where facts are presented, the  blog strives for accuracy. Opinions are opinions.

What did I accomplish? The only thing  left  for me to accomplish.

I learned to use the computer, wrote a blog.and kept people informed, from my perspective, of what was going on in their council.

I kept the blog  to the narrow view of the town's political affairs.  It grew.

It infuriated the Mormac cult but didn't stop their excesses.

They kept doing the same kind of stuff. I kept people informed..

If I had never been a member of council, I would not have known how things ought to  be. I would have assumed, "Well that's just politics."

But I had.  It wasn't just politics. The meaner they were, the more relentless I became

The blog  was and is  cogent. It is well received.

I don't ride a big bike. paddle a Dragon boat , walk or run  for
charity .

I attend meetings, participate in debate and vote. My view is often   solitary but I persist nonetheless.

Without fear or favour.

I think people like their politicians to be straightforward.

It seems what I do is acceptable. I think it's worthwhile.

I never claimed to move mountains.

If I can bring Aurora council back to what it has always been
before the meanest bunch hit town, I will be content.

I will have accomplished my objective.

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