Monday, February 13, 2012

Rental Revenue Is A Mirage

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Tomorrow..... Tomorrow .... It's Only A Day Away":

What is the annual rent paid by the DND for the town-owned building that was spruced up at a significant cost?

Presumably this figure is contained in the town's budget on the revenue side.

Or is this information classified?


The rent is $131,000. a year.

We will not realise revenue  for at least the first five years. We  will have spent that and maybe more in that time. We are lanndlords don't you know and responsible for upkeep of the building.

If you factor  the seventy-thousand dollars that was calculated in the year 2006 as assessment revenue if the building had been sold then. And the interest earned on the capital asset if the  title had been transferred to an industry. And the twenty-seven jobs that were accommodated in the building, the figure for rent  becomes even more nonsensical

Or failing the sale of the building, its value  to fullfil  a  needed town function , which we are now told could cost between $14 and $17 million dollars expenditure ,is another factor which compels one to look askance at the deal that was made with the Department of National Defence and wonder whose interest was being served.

Think about that and the Church Street School fiasco every time you write a cheque to pay your taxes
and wonder again WT          well you know.

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