Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm Ready To Just Say NO

The following letter will  no doubt need to be copied to supporters of the Culture  Centre as they forward letters to council for tax support to the facility.
Last time supporters were rallied to send letters to Council, the numbers never got above four and a couple of them were from  the boonies of Newmarket.

The board is once again mounting a political campaign to preserve the status quo.

Y' know, in times past, when an appointed board found itself  in conflict with Council, they simply did the honourable thing and resigned.
Not this lot. Oh dear me no! They are very confident of  their moral right to challenge the elected representatives of the community.

Even to the extent of  organising  a  political campaign.

Of course, the battle is half won when  Council that doesn't understand  whose interest they're supposed to be serving.
"What would people say about a town that doesn't honour their agreements?"
"Cheez ....and what would  people say, when it's understood what a half-assed agreement it is you are honouring?"

An agreement that robs us blind to pay for  free concerts, sing-alongs and art shows,
for the elite among us  for Pete's sake"

Good Morning Mr  and  Mrs 
As taxpayers you may be interested in the following figures. 
In 2009 the town transferred $259,000  in tax revenues to the Culture  Centre.
A matching  sponsorship of $50,000  was included. Receipts for the first three months were $309,000.
Maintenance and upkeep for the building totals $147.000 a year.
Despite  $3 million dollars  spent  in renovations, the building  was leased to an unaccountable  board,for  $1.00 a year.
In 2010. the  amount of taxes transferred was $343,000 .
Maintenance and upkeep  for the  year $147.000. Again rent was  $1.00 a year.
In 2011,  taxes transferred were  $347.000  Maintenance and upkeep probably $150,000 .. Again rent of $1,00 a year. 
In 2012. the amount transferred from taxes will  be  $353,000.  Maintenance and upkeep will be in excess of $150,000.
Lease will still be $1.00.
Revenues  from activities will  no doubt add substantially  to the munificence  of the town's largesse.
Cash Money flowing  freely from the town treasury to the Culture Centre, plus the price of maintenance. plus a factor for unpaid rent , will not fall far short of  three million dollars in three years.

Expenditures for all  other leisure and recreation programs in the town are close to five and a half million dollars. 
Revenue realised from user fees equals the expenditures.
I need no financial advisor to tell  me something is seriously skewed in that equation.
Neither am I persuaded the inequity should continue a minute longer than it takes to say NO. 
I understand  that as taxpayers, you think your neighbours should shoulder the exorbitant tax burden for this facility and programs provided therein.

You may be interested to know, I do not.
And  I speak for others besides myself.

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