Thursday, February 23, 2012


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Amazing Gift": to anonymous @ 22 February, 2012 10:03 PM


Are you a councillor? Or are you one of the sheep


David Letterman has a feature on his program where he asks
"Is this something"

The above was the only comment this morning. I had to go back and read Feb.22 10.23 am  to see  what it was about.

Like  one is  a member of council or a sheep person.

Being elected is something. It's a mistake though to think it's permanent.

My first term elected it was  two years.

I had been a candidate twice before. Term of office  was  one year. I thought that was better.

Nomination meetings were held in Wells Street School. The auditorium was packed as was the lobby. Out the doors and down the steps the people stood.

Candidates names were written on a chalk board along with a nominator and seconder.

Hydro Commissioners were to be elected and trustees for public, separate and district high school.

Each candidate had three minutes to speak .Mayoralty candidates had five

The clerk-treasurer presided .He had a brass bell to ring time.

It was an big evening. Women wore hats.

On election night , as  poll numbers came through  names and numbers went up, again on a chalk board, written by the Clerk-treasurer who was and still is  Elections Officer.

Once it was in the town office on Yonge Street. The  night I was elected for he first time ,  te ritual  was in Victoria Hall.

One of the losing candidates commented;

" I guess I'll have to start writing letters to the editor "

I remember thinking " yes but they need to make sense"

 I probably know better than anyone the impermanence of elected office.

 It doesn't make one  different from anyone else in the community. .

I was opposed to  three year terms. Four year term are worse. 

But it' s amazing  though how fast  the time  goes.

Next Tuesday, council will pass its second budget. Only one more   before the next election

The budget is the measurement  of a Council's competence.

Everything stems from a budget.

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