Comments about the culture centre require response.
Tracy Smith is a male board member. He has become a reader and we have civil discourse.
I don't know how many people are employed at the centre.
I don't know what percentage of the budget is payroll.
Other than the chairman and Tracey Smith, I know no other board members.
Their backgrounds are not familiar to me.
I have not heard honorariums are paid.
I receive notices of upcoming programs.
I know the St Kitts woman initially received free access to the facility to promote the family business.
The town makes frequent use of the facility.
I do not know if we pay fees. I asked.
I know a number of existing culture programs have re-located to the Centre.
I don't know if use of the Centre is provided free for these programs.
I believe revenue for town space vacated must be reduced.
The art gallery at the town hall and programs at the senior's centre are examples.
Staff program activities at the Senior Centre. A beautiful new facility with a large room, restaurant equipped kitchen and ample modern toilet facilities is available for permitting when not in use by seniors.
Are we robbing Peter to pay Paul? I think that may be the case.
The first decision made by the Culture Centre was to refuse space to the museum while giving free space to the St.Kitts woman at the same time.
The museum was the principal reason for the 3 million dollar renovation.
It is a function of the administration to efficiently manage town affairs. And account to Council.
The business at the Centre is not accounted to Council.
It is not required under the untenable agreement created by the administration.
It is the reason I am not sympathetic to an amended agreement.
I accepted the former treasurer's advice an arm's length board would prevent the facility becoming a sinkhole for public resources. He did not survive Mormac to make his vision a practical reality.
I accepted the museum and culture activities would co-exist in the building. It has not happened.
A legal review has established the agreement is without merit.
Public interest is not served.
The board has no reason for being.
It is not like the library.
It is not like Theatre Aurora,a facility created out of a dilapidated cinder block factory building with broken windows, filled with concrete rubble and alive with noise and excrement of the winged variety and thousands of hours of work and passion by players strutting the board.
The Culture Centre has marshalled support to resist the authority of the people's representatives and divide the community to protect their status quo.
Museum and culture are not in dispute
A public investment of 3 million dollars is proof.
The question is, management of building and programs.
The argument is about the principle of accountability.
Council and Council alone has authority,responsibility and accountability to create right from wrong.
Sooner rather than later.
To maintain the public trust.
Can we do less?
I think not.
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