Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Comfortable Majority ...Not

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "It Takes a Village":

My son loved the Nemarket
centre when he was in his early teens. The skateboard park, the gym, the lounge and computers were favorites of his. The centre was always busy and well run. The area was perfect as there was little residential around and ample parking. I would like to know just what age group the Aurora centre is based on. And what gender. It can't be everything to everybody. Pre-teens to young teens need somewhere for dances, activities and yes, some kind of gym for exercise. When we were kids, the high schools use to open up for Thursday and Friday night open gym and the school cafeterias would have bands playing or a d.j. It was a cheap and easy solution and we loved it. Hundreds of kids would attend. Why couldn't the town try something like this first before committing to a facility that will cost a ton to build? Much cheaper to hire staff to work those evenings at a school, like the Newmarket dances.


There has been months of study.   Teens have had a say.

Current programs  have been examined and problems noted.

Location options are proposed. Councillors must  make a choice.

I am not thrilled with any of the choices. 

The onus is upon me to state my reasons.

We do use high school facilities. Sometimes a program gets cancelled because the  school needs come first.How ofen soes that happen. Often enough to cancel the program?

The library offers movie nights with pizza on a regular basis.

Leisure services organises special events. Participation is excellent

The number of activities organised are impressive and too long to list here.

I  worry less about students.  Schools offer programs. Homework has to be done. They have part-time jobs They may even have a cottage  and  whole families  devoted  to  ensuring  they are safe, secure and occupied.

I worry about the age group between thirteen and eighteen who are not so fortunate and  may need timely help. I think a space that   allows them to occupy time with  pursuits that provide for catch-up as well as fun is needed. I think the place has to be more than walls and a roof. It has to be a place where people care.

Not necessarily sports but not necessarily not.

It's a kernel of an idea. I'm sure  my colleagues  and residents could help it to grow. .

A decision on the surplus buildings on Victoria Street  must  be made.

The best use of the vacant space must be determined. 

Churches in the vicinity are  heavily  involved in social programs.

My interest lies in determining where the gaps  are  and filling them.

I think  there's a need  for something we are not providing. 

I  think the town should use development charges to  build  a  skate board park. If only to protect  properties currently being used for that purpose

Of course, it is  always possible nobody else shares my concerns.

We need to hear from  the police, churches, service clubs and parents at their wit's end. All the people whose mission it is to identify needs  not so obvious among the comfortable majority.

Before we make a 2 million dollar investment elsewhere, we need to be absolutely sure it is the right need. .

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