Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Susan Morton Leonard's Letter To The Town

It went on Council's agenda as a memorandum  from Councillor Humphryes. It's a strategy  from the past. When a debate is over and  a decision made,  not to their liking,organise an invasion of the body snatchers to pull the irons from the fire.

Failing that, get  a letter written and finagled on to an agenda, that will re-open the discussion for the purpose  of  repeating  the debate  and getting a  different  decision  more to their liking.

The stunt effectively sabotages all orderly business process.

Having said that, I am  more then happy to have the letter  in the hand of Susan Morton Leonard to illuminate  what our town  has been dealing with and accommodating for the past several years.

Nothing does it better than seeing it in writing. 

Their determined  intent this year is to fence  the town park off from regular resident users for four days instead of three at no expense to themselves.

Last year, proceeds realised from three days  of various activities were $140,000. No doubt. this year,  closer to $200,000  is expected with an extra day of  our  park fenced off , all  revenue from admission charges, beer  garden,  food  purveyors , kiosks selling products and artists selling wares, pouring  into their pockets.

It  really is quite extraordinary .

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