Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blogging Business

I am still resolved not to read Councillor Ballard's blog though  I am glad to  hear of his readers' reactions.

A  feature of the Mormac administration were  the people they gathered around them to make themselves invincible.

Whitehurst , Walmer  and  Ballard were all appointed to what  should have been Council positions.

They most certainly did have an influence. But obviously not what  they anticipated.

Gallo was another  of the Mayor's little pets.I heard of him being led by the hand at the HoeDown  on one occasion.

Gaertner was useful because of her unqualified  admiration and unquestioning obedience to whatever was demanded of her.

More so from MacEachern than Morris.She is still carrying  out  her good and faithful servant role.

Granger,I think, became something of a liability. Wilson, they  could never  depend upon. He found it difficult at times to subjugate his  judgement to theirs. 

Ballard appeared comparatively late on the scene. His value likely were  his skills as a  journalist. He has indicated he  worked as a reporter in Aurora and covered  Council at one point in time.

If he was there when I was, he left no lasting impression.

His recollection on Tuesday, at Council , of how Aurora Agricultural Society organised  the Class A Aurora Horse Show in the town park was certainly skewed.

Not surprising really, since he was probably not much more than four, when last the Horse Show was held in Mosely Park.

Obviously,my blog was  recognised as a threat to their well-being soon after it began. They spent $70.thousand tax dollars to a lawyer to bring it to an end.

Yet the  opportunity to blog was theirs at any time

None of  them did.

The Mayor had  opportunity to write a regular column in The Auroran. She didn't do that either. Although she claims to have been a writer in an award winning newspaper.

Former Councillor MacEachern  was no slouch when  it came to acidulous commentary, written mostly at the witching hour,  but she also failed to take up  the opportunity to enter the new fray through written political commentary.

That must have been why Christopher  Ballard came to their attention as a  potential  resource.

Putting thoughts into writing on a regular basis reveals a great deal
about a writer.

This too is true...writing isn't worth the time it takes,if nobody wants to read what you have to say.

I do not have thousands of daily readers. I do have people who regularly log in , who share my obsession with town affairs and even enjoy participating in the exchange.

I  know this  blog is  a contribution to the town's affairs.

It's enough.

Nothing  I hear  of Councillor Ballard's blog encourages me to believe it deserves attention. 

The  latest  cited reference to "the rubes" who live in our town and are elected to public office, particularly to  the office of Mayor , does not permit me to believe he has a snowball's chance in hell  of earning a responsible readership.

Nothing  persuades me to add to his numbers .

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