Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Check This Out":
Would the 'rubes' to whom Ballard refers included residents to whom he hoped to sell tickets to his own over-priced, not-for-profit Gala? If so, his letter seems counter-productive if not downright stupid. Are you certain he was ever a working journalist for any length of time? He keeps writing himself into corners.
I'm not certain of anything about Councillor Ballard. I never heard of the man until the Mormac Duo finagled his appointment as chairman on a town advisory committee.
He talks about having been a reporter and covering Aurora Council.
He claims to remember when the Aurora Agricultural Society 's Class A Horse Show was in Mosely Park. It was there before I became Mayor and that was in the early seventies, forty years ago.
I can't see how being reporter and covering Aurora Council at the time of the Aurora Horse Show in Mosely Park more than forty years ago can be reconciled.
I think Councillor Ballard might have trouble keeping things straight in his mind. It may be why he is no longer a professional journalist even if he got past the learning stage.
I did hear he listed the Town of Aurora as client of his consulting firm while he was serving as chairman of a town committee.
That was similar to Ken Whitehurst, being paid as a resource person to the Heritage and Culture Committee while a member of the committee.
And Councillor Gaertner applying and receiving a grant of $1,000 for her non-profit enterprise while serving as a Councillor.
At the same time, neither Councillor McRoberts, Collins-Mrakas or myself were appointed to any committees that might attract favourable attention.
Councillor McRobert's was denied the opportunity to be on the Wells Street School Accommodation Committee in favour of Councillor Gallo.
Councillor Collins Mrakas was successful in setting up a committee to deal with the problem of graffitti and developing a program.
It was slightly less than amusing to watch the antics to undermine the success of the program to ensure the Councillor received no credit for her efforts.
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